The Director’s Cut for Ridley Scott‘s Napoleon is now available on Apple TV+. Throughout history, Scott’s director’s cuts have more often than not improved upon the theatrical cuts with Blade Runner, Kingdom of Heaven, and Legend as the shining examples. While the director’s vision was often spectacular for Napoleon, the film wasn’t quite complete. Even at 2 hours and 38 minutes, there was more story to tell.
The Napoleon Director’s Cut is 48 minutes longer. Reportedly, the new cut expands on Napoleon (Joaquin Phoenix) and Josephine’s (Vanessa Kirby) often (intentionally) comical relationship. Scott previously said he had a four and a half hour cut of the film, which the director — who’s never shy to praise his own work — called “fantastic.”
Napoleon received mixed reviews when it came out, especially from the French critics. As Scott said, “The French don’t even like themselves.” Scott’s interviews are sometimes as entertaining as his films, so in addition to looking forward to Gladiator II (November 22nd), his upcoming press tour is highly anticipated as well.
Now that we have the Napoleon Director’s Cut available, the question is, when will see the House of Gucci extended cut?