


That’s one of those happy accidents where that squeak comes from that moment on set and there’s a natural progression to how that windshield chill wiper sounded based on the amount of snowfall that was hitting the windshield. So when the windshield was initially dry, it was grating, and then as the snowfall continued, it slowly changed over time until it became basically like a whisper.

We built an image-based treatment as an edit of the film to explore how Elwood and Turner see the world differently. Then we populated it with the necessary language to convey certain moments. We worked with this idea called adjacent imagery – imagery that’s not solely plot-driven. It has a sort of experiential, metaphoric, and symbolic resonance so that it’s not so utilitarian.

The idea was that Zoe is kind of taking control of the film at this moment, and she also takes control of the cinematography. She can point that very hard light that follows her to the people she talks about. She’s also able to bring the camera with her. We had built this lighting system that remotely operated and was able to point at every time ever she would go, you had a lighting operator that was able to follow her in the space.

The question Jacques would ask every day, “What is the sound of my movie?” We didn’t have the answer, but we did a lot of things to be sure that in the end, he would have the answer. So coaches were there when you needed them. When you need a live musician, we’ll do playback now we’ll record it when we are shooting. Now we will do it in post. I was one to coordinate all these things.