X-Men '97 soundtrack
X-Men ’97 vinyl cover (Credit: Phantom City Creative)

The Newton Brothers rule. Simple as that. The composing duo are behind two Emmy-contending scores, The Fall of the House of Usher and X-Men ’97. Courtesy of Made by Mutant, the X-Men ’97 soundtrack is coming to Vinyl soon.

Made by Mutant, Hollywood Records, and Marvel Animation teamed up for the release of the soundtrack for the audience and critical hit. “Meeting expectations is hard. Exceeding them is even harder. X-Men ’97 makes it look effortless in nearly every way, including the music. Featuring an excellent and faithful update to Ron Wasserman’s original classic ‘X-Men: The Animated Series’ theme, the Newton Brothers work on this series is brilliant,” said Mutant Co-Founder Eric Garza.

There are 40 tracks and over 80 minutes of music on the Vinyl record, featuring artwork from Phantom City Creative. The $40 release is a must-have for any fan of the series and its eclectic and electric score. The Newton Brothers did something special in the Marvel sandbox: a score that looks to the future as much as the past. Nostalgia done right, that’s X-Men ’97.

X-Men ’97 soundtrack is available to pre-order at Made By Mutant.

Miles Kelley

Miles Kelly is a part-time writer, full-time worrier. He has years of copywriting experience in the entertainment industry under his belt. Miles thanks you for reading his news posts and occasional features.